SMS - informing and chat communication in business
Suam Limited has been engaged in software development in the field of SMS-informing for business purposes.
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our services
You can send SMS-messages to your clients’ any mobile devices anywhere in the world. The technology includes support for all the mobile devices, direct routes with mobile operators, SMS-surveys, OTPs
Your data are protected and remain confidential. This means that the information is not passed on to third parties.
Connect your clients in a more efficient and affordable way than before.
We work hard and quickly so you could get updates promptly. We pay attention to details and achieve our goals.
Our team support is available 24/7. We grow and get inspired with the market and other companies.
Frequently asked questions
Can one send messages being logged in their account?
You can send SMS-messages from your personal account. Please contact your manager or our technical support team and we will add this option to your account.
How can one send am SMS- message vis your service?
You can send a message via your account as well as using API or SMPP.
Which options are available for API?
You can send SMS-messages, check your balance, credit and current price-list.
I received a non-standard error code after sending a message via SMPP. How can I know what this code means?
We use standard error codes for SMPP 3.4, but there are also a few non-standard error-codes that might be received under certain circumstances. Those error codes and information on what they mean can be found in the description of the SMPP characteristics.
Can one lift an existing IP restriction to connect to SMPP?
This is possible. We can remove or impose a restriction. By default you should be able to connect with any IP.
Which SMPP modes are available for connection?
-transmitter – receiver – transceiver
How many networks can be connected via SMPP?
Three by default. You can contact your manager or our technical support team in case you need more.
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Looking forward to your applications and hoping for a long-term and fruitful cooperation!